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Bassma is launching the Easter-Ramadan Foodathon Campaign 2024!

Offer a Food pack, and/or a Hygiene pack, and/or a Bread pack.


During these hard times we are going through, solidarity is what matters the most.

Starting $30, you can make a difference in families' lives and draw smiles on their faces.

We count on your generous and precious support!

OUR PROGRAMS /Empowerment /A Donor back
In-kind Donation
Donate Food & Hygiene items today!

Donate Food and Sanitary items and take part in BASSMA’s FOODATHON!

Click here to view the content of the Smiles Packs: the “Families’ Wish List”
One or more goods generously offered by YOU will make a big difference!

Donate clothes and other accessories!

If you have unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, bed covers, towels, sheets, nightgowns, pajamas, sleepers, etc. that have been lying in your closet for some time, please think of donating them to BASSMA: you will bring sunshine to family members and elderly people! All sizes are welcome!

Donate bed covers, towels and sheets!

Family members and elderly face the difficult winter conditions without the basic material to heat their houses and stay warm. Please don't hesitate to offer them everything you think could be of use to prevent them from the cold.

Donate Medicines and Medical supplies!

You work in a pharmacy, hospital, or pharmaceutical company, etc. or you are simply a person who is moved by people who cannot afford to pay their medicine?

If you have access to samples, discounted or free medicines, or simply want to buy and donate one or more items, punctually or regularly, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

You can help students with their school materials:

- Paper, Notebooks, Folders and Copybooks

- Pens, Pencils, Crayons and Markers

- Binders, Report Presentation

- Staplers, Scissors & Rulers

- Calculators

- School Bags

Donate Materials!

Paint, Paintbrushes, Cleaning Material (Mops, Brooms, Dettol, etc.), and anything else you think could be of use!

Donate Home Appliances!

You can donate second-hand electrical machines which accomplish some household functions, such as cooking or cleaning, as well as household appliances such as washing machines, (Televisions, VCR, DVD, Toasters, Radios, fry pans, Irons, blenders, Vacuum cleaners, Lamps,Table fans, Coffee pots, Microwaves, etc.)


Donate Furniture!

Sofas, Chairs, Dining tables & chairs, Bedroom furniture (twin, full, queen only)

Donate Household Textiles and Housewares!

- Sheets, pillowcases, mattress pads, Blankets, comforters,Curtains, drapes, Towels, washcloths, etc.

- Cookware, Dishes, glassware

Donate a Workshop or Seminar!

Destitute family members need all kind of trainings, such as computer skills, languages, communication and selling techniques, restaurants/ hotels services, nails and beauty, etc.

Donate Psychological Consultation Hours!

If you are a psychologist or a psychiatrist, you can help a lot by offering consultation hours for free or at a low price.

Donate Everyday Life Supplies!

You may donate everything you think could be of use such as books, computer equipment, software, wedding dresses, home decoration items, etc.

Please contact us at 00 961 3 068519 so we can organize the transportation and delivery of the furniture.

We would also be very grateful if f you are able to cover the transportation fees. Thank you!

Donate Toys, Gadgets and Electronic Games!

If you have some old toys, gadgets and electronic games that you no longer need and that are in good condition, please do not hesitate to offer them to BASSMA’s deprived children, they will be thrilled to receive them!

Donate Discounts for families’ trips!

Help our families enjoy regular outings by offering to them special discounts to the following: Amusement Parks, Restaurants, Cafés, Museums, etc.

Donate School Supplies!

You can help students with their school supplies: School Bags, Pencil and Pen sets, Crayons and Markers for Drawing, pads of paper, Folders and Copybooks, Exercise Books, etc.

Donate water, juice, cakes, chocolate bars, biscuits and other snacks!

The children need nourishing snacks to maintain their energy while studying.

Donate Children Supplies and Furniture!

- Infant furniture (including cribs-manufactured, carriages, strollers, highchairs, bassinets, wardrobes)

- Infant supplies (diapers, wipes, powder, lotion, etc.)

Donate Tickets & Discounts for Youth’s Trips!

Help our youth feel connected with the community and their peers by offering them Special Event Tickets to the following: Movie Tickets, Sporting Events, Community Plays and Musicals, Music Lessons, Holiday Festivals, Carnivals, Amusement Parks, etc.

Donate Art Supplies!

In order to organize the recreational activities in the best conditions, you can offer drawing, painting and handcrafting supplies such as paint, paintbrushes, clay for sculpture, drawing papers, scissors, rulers, etc.

Donate Sports and Dance Supplies!

Our young people will need all the materials, equipment, outfits, adequate shoes, etc. to be able to practice their favorite hobby. You can help them by donating your second-hand sports and dance material, equipment, clothing, etc.

Donate Cooked Meals!

Whether you are a restaurant, a hotel or even an individual, you can offer once a week cooked meals for 50 people, YOU will make a big difference!

Donate Fresh Fruits or Desserts!

The guests of our Smiles Restaurants’ are thrilled to receive plates of food. However, they are happy the most when they have the privilege to receive fruits or sweets!

Donate Plastic Cutlery!

Whether you are a company or an individual, you can offer plastic forks, spoons and knives and plates for BASSMA’s Lunches.

Donate Mineral Water!

Whether you are a company or an individual, you can offer Mineral Water to BASSMA’s Smiles Restaurants.

Donate a Cooked Meal!

Whether you are a restaurant, a hotel or an individual, you can offer weekly cooked meals to BASSMA.One cooked meal offered by YOU will make a big difference!

Donate carpets, heaters, bed covers, towels and sheets!

The elderly live alone and face the difficult winter conditions without the basic material to heat their houses and stay warm. Please don’t hesitate to offer them everything you think could be of use to prevent them from the cold.

Donate winter clothes and other accessories!

Elderly people in Lebanon are completely abandoned by society and lack everything, including clothes and accessories such as winter nightgowns, pajamas, sleepers, etc.


Contact Us:

Please deliver any in-kind donation to BASSMA’s office in Badaro, main street, Bldg. next to Brax gas station, 2th floor.

For more information,
please don’t hesitate to contact us at 00 961 1 39 30 77, Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 3pm
Financial Donation
Buy a Smiles Pack! donate now

You can draw lots of smiles on people’s faces by buying one or more Smiles Pack!

The average cost of each “Smiles Pack” is $75.

Buy a New Set of Clothes! donate now

You can draw lots of smiles on people's faces by buying one Set of Clothes for specific occasions such as Mother's Day, Palm Sunday, Christmas, etc. Family members and especially children will be overwhelmed with joy when they receive their beautiful suits and dresses!

The average cost of each "Set of Clothes" is $50.

Buy a “First Aid” Kit! donate now

BASSMA distributes “First Aid” kits to the families under its care in order to keep them safe.

You can contribute by buying one “First Aid” Kit and help a family keep safe at home at only 27$!

Finance the Official Exams’ Registration Documents! donate now

For the students who will pass the brevet or Baccalaureate, they need the following official papers: photo passport, Family Civil Registry, and the Official Registration Form.

The cost of the Official Exams’ Registration Documents is $80

Finance a Schoolbook list! donate now

You can improve a deprived child’s access to education by financing his/her Schoolbook List! A minor contribution from you today can have a major impact on a child’s future.

The average cost of a Book List is $150.

Finance a Registration Fee! donate now

Your contribution can help a child be registered at school!

The average cost of a Registration Fee is $200.

Buy a Child School Uniform! donate now

Most of parents find it hard even to pay their children’s uniforms!

You can help them by buying a uniform for one child.

The average cost of a Child School Uniform is $35.

Buy a monthly “Rent Payment”! donate now

House rent vary between 350$ and 500$ per month.

Buy a Set of Handicraft Materials! donate now

You can draw lots of smiles on people’s faces by buying a Set of Handicraft material!

The cost of each set of “Handicraft materials” is $35.

Buy a Workshop! donate now

You can draw lots of smiles on people’s faces by buying a Workshop for one person!

The cost of a “Workshop” for one person is $100.

Finance a Psychologist Session! donate now

Help them recover their Mental Health!

The minimum cost of each “Psychologist Session” is $25.

Finance Psychiatric Medications! donate now

Some patients need monthly psychiatric medications to treat their mental disorders, such as Solotik 100mg, Stilnox 10 mg., etc.

The average cost of these Psychiatric Medications for one person is $30/month.

Finance Laboratory Tests! donate now

Many family members need more than a psychological follow-up. They often need MRI examinations, other laboratory tests, such as blood tests, etc. to detect mental disorders.

The minimum cost of these Laboratory Tests for one person is $200.

Finance Baby Delivery Costs! donate now

You can give the right to a mother to enjoy this unique moment, like any other mom, by offering her Baby Delivery Costs.

The minimum cost of Baby Delivery is $500.

Finance Funeral Costs! donate now

You can help a family overcome such difficult times by helping out with the Funeral Expenses.

The minimum cost of Funeral Expenses is $650.

Buy a Recreational Outing! donate now

You can offer destitute family members the opportunity to leave their miserable life for one day and enjoy new spaces and breathe refreshing air!

The average cost of an outing for one person is $20.

Finance a School Session! donate now

Your support is important to the continuity of this important program.

The cost of a School Session is $50.

Finance a Youths Club Session! donate now

The cost of a “Youth Club” session is $20.

Buy one Lunch! donate now

You can draw lots of smiles on people’s faces by buying hot meals for one lunch, feeding 50 people at a time!

The minimum cost of 50 portions of Hot Meals is $150.

Buy a Home-Delivered Weekly Distribution! donate now

You can draw lots of smiles on people’s faces by financing the weekly distribution of home-delivered cooked meals.

The cost of a Cooked Meals’ weekly distribution for 100 beneficiaries is $400.

Buy a Heater! donate now

The cost of a heater is $35.

Buy a Set of False Teeth! donate now

The minimum cost of a set of false teeth is $50.

Buy a Cataract Operation! donate now

The cost of a cataract operation is $500.


Buy a Stay at an Elderly House! donate now

Some elderly are unable to take care of themselves and need to stay at an Elderly Home. Elderly homes are not for free, and BASSMA has to sponsor their stay.

The monthly cost of an elderly home is in average $350.

choose the donation mode that is the most convenient to you
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.


Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Enter your monthly salary
Enter your weekly working hours
Amlor 5mg.
Androcur 10.
Bacazyme inj.
Bisoprolol Norman 5mg.
Cal C vita.
Capoten 25.
Cinarin 75 mg.
Clenil forte.
Coltrate 600.
Copoclen 25mg.
Depakine crono 500 mg.
Euro fer.
Marvil 70.
Nexium 40mg.
Prozac 20mg.
Rabezol 20mg
Seritide 250mg.
Solotik 100mg
Stilnox 10mg
Tavanic 500mg
Topamax 100 mg.
Venofer 100mg inj.

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BASSMA’s list of medecine
  • Airtal.
  • Amlor 5mg.
  • Amolgal
  • Androcur 10
  • Augmentin
  • Austin.
  • Bacazyme inj.
  • Bisoprolol Norman 5mg.
  • Cal C vita
  • Capoten 25.
  • Cinarin 75mg.
  • Cinemet.
  • Claritine.
  • Clenil forte
  • Coltrate 600
  • Coplixol.
  • Copoclen 25mg
  • Depakine crono 500mg
  • Euro fr
  • Lipentil
  • Marvil 70
  • Nazonex
  • Marvil 70
  • Nexium 40mg.
  • Prozac 20mg.
  • Pulmozine
  • Rabezol 20mg
  • Seritide 250mg.
  • Seroxat.
  • Singular.
  • Sipriva.
  • Tavanic 500mg.
  • Toby.
  • Topamax 100 mg.
  • Venofer 100mg inj.
  • Xanax.